- Oxford Circular (11km)
- Iffley Meadows (10km)
- The River Cherwell (7km)
- Hinksey and the Electric Road (6km)
- Port Meadow Circular (10km)
- Along the Boundary Brook (11km)
- Kidlington to Uni Parks (13km)
- Shotover Walk (16km)
- Oxford to Wytham Via Farmoor (15km)
- CS Lewis and Shotover (15km)
- Oxford Jubilee Walk (16km)
- Cutteslowe and Elsfield (18km)
- Begbroke and Yarton (19km)
- Up to Kidlington (20km)
- Wytham Woods and the Thames (21km)
- South Oxford Circular (23km)
- Thames, Reservoir, and Cumnor Hill (24km)
- Thames Exploration (24km)
- Otmoor Walk (30km)
- Blenhiem and back (37km)
Walking routes around Oxford
In this page you can find a variety of walking routes around Oxford, that you can try follow yourself. These routes were kindly put together by several members of the club, so please feel free to send some of your own too! If you have any comments or suggestions you can email the Webmaster at webmaster@ouwc.org.
You can download these routes via the plotaroute website as .GPX files, which can be loaded on most phones by a suitable application (by the Ordinance Survey app, or look for a GPX viewer on the Play/Apple Store). More information for each route is provided further down the page.