
Date: 17th – 19th June (end Week 8)

Gower was the first Area of Outstanding Beauty designated in the UK. It is a peninsula along the south coast of Wales. It will be unforgettable experience exploring Gower’s stunning limestone coastline, scenic beaches and rolling downs, giving us two days of fantastic coastal walking to look forward to.

Our walks are likely to be a mix of coastal cliffs, beaches and inland downs. Highlights in the area include Worms Head, Rhossili Bay and Three Cliffs Bay.

More information can be found on the trip poster.

Sign up for this and other trips using the booking form.

Trip Organiser: Min Sun, Jingyi Ma
Leaders: Barbara, Alice
Accommodation: Eastern Slade Barn (bunkhouse)
Departure time & location: 6:15pm. Trinity gates, Broad street
Estimated return time: Late Sunday evening
Cost: £76
Extra equipment: Walking boots, good waterproofs, sleeping bag OR duvet cover
Meals: Pub dinner Sunday evening only, all other meals on Sat&Sun included
Contact: See poster

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