Walk the Windrush

Date: Saturday 13th January (end of 0th week) OUWC welcomes you into the new year with our first local walk of term! Follow the meanders of the river Windrush to the picturesque ruins of the Minster Lovell Hall, a large 15th century manor house and home of Richard III’s henchman Lord Lovell. No sign-up or membership is required, just turn up on the day. ***This walk is likely to be muddy in places, so walking boots/shoes are strongly advised*** Meet: St. Giles Bus Stop C5, outside Taylorian Institute Time: 8:45 am Return: Approx 3:30 pm Distance: 14km Cost: Approx £10 (single bus ticket to Burford, then single back from Witney) Lunch: Please bring a packed lunch Leader: Alex Beckett (alexander.beckett@hertford.ox.ac.uk)