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Home : Photos : Club Trips : Dorset : Michaelmas 2003 : Report

Dorset Weekend Trip
Michaelmas 2003

The first Walking Club weekend trip by train began on Friday when we caught our first train from Oxford to Reading. After nearly 5 hours and 3 changes of train, we arrived in Wool (yes, like sheep) in Dorset. Since we had missed the last bus to Lulworth, we walked the 7 km from Wool to the hostel in the dark.

After an uneventful night at the clean, comfortable Lulworth Youth Hostel, we began our first day of walking at the scenic Lulworth Cove. From there, we walked up and down coastal ridges along the Southwest Coastal Path. In the morning, we saw the amazing rock formation of Durdle Door and Scratchy Bottom, which defies description. After lunch on a pebble beach, most of the group headed inland back to Lulworth, while some more adventurous walkers returned to the coast and explored Scratchy Bottom.

On Sunday, we headed East from Lulworth Cove to the Fossil Forest, a collection of petrified prehistoric trees at the shore's edge. Next, we climbed up and down coastal ridges through a British army range, where we could look over the remains of tanks destroyed in war games. After several steep ascents and descents, we turned inland toward the village of Tyneham, which was abandoned when the Army claimed the surrounding land during World War II. After exploring the village ruins, we ate lunch next to a lane of deserted cottages. Our final destination of the day was the ruins of Corfe Castle, a stronghold destroyed by Cromwell. After taking in the ruins, we explored the village of Corfe Castle before beginning our long journey back to Oxford.

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