Uffington White Horse

Date: 16th February The mysterious prehistoric figure of the Uffington White Horse carved into the chalk on the edge of the Manger, a dramatic dry valley, next to The Ridgeway has intrigued and enchanted visitors for years. Created in the Bronze Age, some 3,000 years ago, the horse is surrounded by other fascinating ancient sites – an Iron Age fort with its deep ditch immediately behind, Dragon Hill just below where St George allegedly slew the beast with its blood poisoning the ground forever so no grass grows there, and Wayland’s Smithy, a rare Stone Age long barrow, a mile further west. All around is wonderful walking country with open rolling downland to the south, dramatic steep scarp slopes to the north and large skies above. Meeting Place: Gloucester Green Bus Station – bay 11 Meeting time: 8.30am (bus 8.55) Return Time: 18.00 Distance: 21km (15.0 miles) Lunch: Packed Fare: £8 (dayrider ticket) Organizer: Paola Celli (paola.celli’ATT’gmail.com)