North Oxfordshire exploration

Sunday 17th November This week we will be taking the 10:00 bus from Oxford to Deddington. We will then be walking from Deddington to Adderbury to Bodicote where we will be stopping at my parents house for lunch. The plan is to have some warm Mexican soup and tortillas at my parents house so please bring £2 for the lunch in Bodicote. Hot tea and coffee will also be provided, as well as some apple crumble muffins. We will then walk back to Adderbury via the canal. This walk may be muddy so please wear suitable footwear. Due to the catering requirements please sign up for this walk by emailing or facebook messaging me by Friday Evening at 10pm at the latest. Hope to see many of you there. Meet: Magdalen Street Bus Stop (Stop C4) Time: 9:45AM for the 10AM S4 Gold to Deddington Return: Approx 5PM Distance: Approx 16km Cost: £6.80 for the bus + £2 for lunch Lunch: Provided; please bring £2 and sign up by 10PM Friday 14th Leader: Isabel Creed (isabel.creed“at”