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Home : Archives : TT04 Social Events : Runaround Cluedo*

Runaround Cluedo*

Thursday 20th May (4th week)

Join Tom and his band of sleuths for an interesting variation on the board game. Meet at 20:00 at the Turf in Holywell St, where Tom will explain the rules. Basically, it involves using obscure clues to locate various streets in Oxford. Once solved, you will find cards that lead you to the solution. Return to the Turf afterward for the explanation and prizes. My guess? It was Bobbins in Stores with the Ice-pick+.

* Cluedo = Clue (for the Americans)
+ Ice-pick = Ice-axe (for the not-Americans)

Meeting Place and Time:Turf Tavern, 8pm
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