The Laurie Lee Way

Saturday 28th October (end of 3rd week)

This walk explores one of England’s most beautiful valleys, immortalised in the famous work of local writer Laurie Lee: Cider with Rose. Approximately 10 miles long, the walk is punctuated with ten posts, inscribed with Laurie Lee’s poetry. Starting from Stroud railway station we will ascend towards the village of Slad, then join the Wildlife Way. Please be aware that the walk is quite demanding, with one very steep stretch, and will take between 3 and 5 hours to complete. Towards the end of the walk there will be a pub stop opportunity in Slad village, or in Stroud if preferred.

No signup is required, just turn up on the day. Walking boots/shoes are strongly advised.

Meet: Oxford Railway Station
Time: 8:20am (train departs at 8:36am)
Return: Approx 6pm
Distance: Approx. 16km
Cost: £24 for return to Stroud (£16 with railcard/group ticket)
Lunch: Please bring a packed lunch
Leader: Ben Griffiths (

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