Outdoor First Aid course (2 days)

The course is now fully booked, but please contact training@ouwc.org if you would like go on the waiting list in case any spaces become available.

The club will be holding a first aid course during Hilary term 2019, and you can sign up using the form below. This course is ideal if you want to become a level 1 leader for the club, and as such will be subsidised provided you are a member of the club. More information about leading for the club can be found here. An outline of the course contents follows below. Email training@ouwc.org if you have any queries, about the course or more general stuff, or would simply like more information.

Content: the course will equip you for handling the most common hillwalking injuries in the UK context, which means less than a day away from help, and in most cases, probably 4 to 8 hours from help. The syllabus is the Emergency First Aid course by Rescue Emergency Care (REC).

Approach: the training is mostly through hands-on exercises, some of which will be done outside in the University Parks. This is complemented by discussion, background on how the body works and useful guidelines and approaches to situations.

Trainer: the course will be run for us by George Fell, a freelance outdoor first aid trainer, Oxford alumnus, paddler and climber. George has run 6 courses for the club, always with very good feedback from club members.

Certificate: you will receive a “REC Emergency First Aid” certificate, certified by Rescue Emergency Care (REC). This will be valid for 3 years.

Club requirements: this course is the first step to being approved to lead on OUWC trips, if this interests you – always very welcomed by the club!

NGB requirements: the course meets the National Governing Body requirements for most UK outdoor sports, including Mountain Training UK and BCU, for those who have or are interested in outdoor leadership qualifications.

Date: Saturday 16 Februrary and Sunday 17 Februrary
Time: 8:45am – 5pm on Saturday, 8:45am – 5:30pm on Sunday
Venue: Robert Hooke Building
Cost: £30, membership required
Contact: training@ouwc.org


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