Home : Minibus Day-trips

Minibus Day-trips

We're laying on two minibus day trips this term to some beautiful locations within reach of Oxford. These trips provide the perfect opportunity to escape the city and head out for a walk in an area that you may not otherwise have the chance to visit.

At just £7.50, minibus day trips represent great value for money -- much cheaper than is possible by public transport. Note that because the club has to commit money to organise the trips, once you have paid for your place, you can not be refunded unless the place is subsequently filled.

Minibus day trips leave Oxford in the morning and return late in the evening. Please bring a packed lunch -- most trips will usually stop for a pub meal on the journey home so bring some money for that as well. As with Weekend Trips, everybody should be prepared to get involved with planning and carrying out the walks.

The same sign-up procedure and equipment policy applies as for the Weekend Trips. Again, the leaders will refuse participation to anyone not appropriately equipped. (PTL = Principal Trip Leader)

The same sign-up procedure applies as for Weekend Trips - please come to Free Tea. All Minibus Day-trips cost £7.50.

Michaelmas Term's Minibus Day-trips:

Already Happened:

Important Information About Minibus Trips:

Photos from previous club trips