Home : Minibus Day Trips : - Wye Valley

Wye Valley

9 Nov

Join us for a full day out walking in the magnificent Wye Valley! We leave early on Sunday and spend most of the day walking in the enchanting woods along the banks of the Wye river. We’ll be delighting in the rich autumnal colours of the region, enjoying breathtaking views of the area. At the end of the walk, we’ll stop in a cosy pub in the area for dinner, before heading back to Oxford.

Trip Organiser: Tom Waksman, Giovanni Bassolino
Leaders: Tom Waksman, Giovanni Bassolino
Driver: Carina Brehony
Departure time & location: Sunday 9 Nov, 8 am, Broad Street Trinity Gates
Estimated return time: 9 pm
Cost: £12 + cash for pub dinner
Equipment needed: Packed Lunch, Walking Boots, Warm Clothes, Waterproof Trousers and Jackets
Grid ref:

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